Railway signalling in Australia – overview and future trends


This article aims to provide an overview of railway signalling trends in Australia. It is important to understand that Australia is not just a country but a whole continent with a great variety of railway systems much less coherent than… Continue Reading


[Guest article by Artur Wolnica] Interoperability challenges in the diversity of the European network

Uniqueness of the European signaling systems Traveling between European countries reveals the diversity and uniqueness of each country, including their railway systems. Europe is one of the most diverse areas when it comes to signaling systems. With more than 20… Continue Reading


Wprowadzenie pojazdów do obrotu


W jednym z ostatnich artykułów na blogu oraz w Kurierze Kolejowym poruszałem sprawy związane z wdrożeniem ERTMS w Unii Europejskiej po wejściu w życie IV Pakietu Kolejowego oraz roli Agencji Kolejowej Unii Europejskiej w tym procesie. Podobnie, w kwestii nowych… Continue Reading